The $100k Club

Head of Content Marketing earning $160,000/year

Jimmy Daly
March 11, 2019

Welcome to another post in the $100k Club series. You can see the full series here. This is "My Morning Routine" for content marketing folks making six figures. The goal is to shed light on the skills and habits that enable people to achieve lucrative jobs and help get more people in this club.

These will be anonymous and updated regularly. If you make more than $100k/year and want to contribute, email me.

For more info on content marketing salaries, check out our salary report.

If you'd like to see more info on salary by job title, check out these resources: Content Marketing Manager Salary, Content Strategist Salary, Head of Content Salary, and Content Director Salary.

What was your first full-time job in content? What was the salary?

Editorial Assistant, in 2007. I made $35,000.

List out your income by year for as long as you've been working in content marketing.


How much do you earn today? What's your job title?

I make $160,000/year as a Head of Content Marketing.

What's the single biggest salary jump you've made? (either from job-hopping or a promotion/raise)

I went from making $130k to $175k. I joined a later stage, personal finance startup that offered a massive pay jump from the series A consumer healthcare startup I had previously been at. It was game changing.

What is your most valuable skill?

Empathy, for my team and for my target audience :)

What's the best book you've ever read on writing, marketing, sales, business or productivity? (Feel free to suggest more than one!)

I don't usually read business books, but....

Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less, by Greg McKeown was a fantastic read about cutting through the noise, setting boundaries, focusing, and being intentional - all in the name of making the most impact with your time.

Have you had a career mentor/coach? If so, how did you find them and what have you learned from them?

I just joined First Round's Fast Track and got paired with my very first mentor I've ever had. Highly recommend the program! We are working on managing up and how to build strong business cases for brand marketing work.

What skills or habits help you thrive at work?

Time blocking (I use Clockwise and highly recommend). Documentation of convos and business decisions that get made in Slack or over calls. Honesty, transparency, and vulnerability with my team.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to join the $100k club?

Negotiate. Get to know how different stage startups and different industries set market rates for content roles.

Where do you live? What is your gender and ethnicity?

I'm a white female living in Berkeley, California.

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